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Preparing for a Baby-Boomer Divorce | The Law Offices of Christopher Dionisio

  • By Admin
  • 09 Apr, 2019

While divorce has been declining among younger couples, baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) are at higher risk for divorce in recent years. The trend, sometimes referred to as gray divorce, can be a bit more complicated than for very young people going through a divorce.

If you are filing for divorce, you have many considerations you never expected. If you've been married for a long time, you may be considering a single life for the first time in decades. As a result, you need to brush up on what divorce will mean for you.

First, Why the Growing Trend?

One contributing factor to the growing trend of baby boomer divorce is perhaps the lower stigma associated with divorce and society's changing attitudes toward the legal proceeding. Additionally, baby boomers may have achieved financial stability that gives them the ability to pursue divorce. Some have waited for their children to grow old enough to live on their own.

What Do Baby-Boomer Divorcees Need to Consider?

Baby-boomer divorcees may face more complex problems than those who divorce when they are younger. They've been together for a long time, so proving separate property or property owned before the marriage may be more difficult.

For one, baby boomers are often concerned with dividing pension and retirement plans equitably. They are concerned about collecting Social Security as well, especially because Social Security may be split between a married couple after a certain amount of time. You may be able to negotiate about this matter.

Baby boomers are also often caregivers for others, whether they are minor children or aging parents. If you take care of your in-laws each day, who will care for them when you divorce? These are arrangements younger people often don't have to make.

Speaking of providing care, baby boomers sometimes still have young children at home. Baby boomers may find themselves dealing with custody and support issues they never imagined they would be dealing with. Older children may have the ability to choose who they will live with, and one parent may ask that the other contribute to college expenses as well.

If your parents have already passed away, one or both parties may have inheritance, which is not marital property and needs to be separated. If the money was spent on a mutual asset, you need to discuss how you will divide this amount. Your lawyer can help you find an equitable solution.

Baby-boomer couples often have mutual assets, like homes and cars. Homeowners might consider a reverse mortgage so that one party can receive funds from the home they own together.

Alimony is common with long marriages. If one party is unable to work or has been raising the children for the last several years, the other party may be responsible for paying alimony.

Finally, baby boomers going through divorce should also be aware of the emotional toll divorce can have. Friends and family are often impacted by divorce as well, and you may be surprised at how much a divorce can change the other relationships in your life. Make sure to secure emotional support as you go through the process.

What Should Baby Boomers Do?

Making informed decisions is crucial for going through a divorce at this stage in your life. The best way to make good decisions is to speak with a divorce attorney familiar with cases like yours.

The Law Offices of Christopher Dionisio is a dedicated and respected attorney handling cases just like yours in Ohio. We are ready to guide you through the divorce process, no matter what stage of life you are in. Call our office today to set up a consultation.

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Do you believe a divorce is looming in your future? Are you thinking about filing for divorce? Initiating divorce can be a difficult process, especially when you don't plan ahead. If you want to ensure you are prepared to dissolve your marriage, you need to take action now before you file.

With these steps in mind, you will be better prepared for the divorce and custody proceedings. Read on to learn more.

Understand Ohio's Divorce Laws

A divorce lawyer is a crucial source of information during your divorce, developing a wider understanding of Ohio’s divorce laws is certainly helpful. Your divorce lawyer can provide you with step by step instruction on how you should proceed.

Care for Children

Custody is not the only matter relevant to your children. Children undergo a difficult transition during divorce, and providing a sense of normalcy is critical. You might consider discussing therapy options for your children to allow them to cope with the changes ahead.

Avoid Social Media

Social media can hurt you during divorce, especially if you express your feelings a lot on the web. You are better off avoiding websites like Facebook and Instagram until after the divorce proceedings. Otherwise, you might reveal something unfavorable or make yourself look unstable, indiscrete, or irresponsible.

Take Hold of Your Finances

Are you unsure of your financial situation? Now is the time to initiate an understanding of your assets and debts, especially determining which are shared and which are individually owned.

Now is also a good time to inventory all household possessions, including anything of value. Keep track of the value of each item.

Keep Track of Important Events

Logging interactions you have with your future ex-spouse is important too. For example, you should log any instance of domestic violence or situations that might warrant your gaining sole or primary custody of your children. Document all such incidents and submit them to your attorney.

Retain a Divorce Attorney

A good divorce attorney is worth your while. An attorney not only provides you with options for discussing your legal situation but also presents a support system. You may need to rely on your attorney throughout the court proceedings, so it pays to choose an attorney you want to work with closely.

The Law Offices of Christopher Dionisio  is a respected and dedicated member of the community. We understand Ohio law, especially when it pertains to divorce. Call us today to set up a consultation.

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An accident can occur anywhere and anytime, but do you have any idea what to do if you received an injury at work? Many people don't know how to proceed. Some may not want to tell their employers out of concern that they could be terminated, and others may not want to tell because they cannot afford to take time off.

No matter the reason why your accident occurred or why you don't want to tell, you do have rights and deserve protection if you have been injured in an accident in the workplace.

Learn what steps to take if you've had an accident at work that resulted in an injury.

Get Medical Help

If you've been injured, you need to seek medical attention right away. Waiting for medical attention may result in your workplace claiming the injury occurred elsewhere. If you have first aid at your work, get to the first aid clinic for treatment. If your workplace has a clinic off-site that they normally use for injuries, go to that clinic.

If your workplace doesn't have a first-aid clinic or a designated outside clinic, visit a hospital or urgent care facility quickly to have them assess and treat your injuries and document your injury.

Inform Your Supervisor or Boss

Be sure you let your immediate supervisor or boss know that you received an injury. Your employer will have paperwork that they need to fill out in the event of an accident and steps they need to take on their end to document your injury.

Give them all of the information they need about the accident.

Follow Physician's Orders and Employer Restrictions

If your physician has you on restricted duty at work, or your employer placed you on light duty until you heal, follow these instructions. Don't attempt to do too much and injure yourself further. Stay on light or restricted duty until your physician releases you.

If your employer pushes you to do more, don't - not until you are fully released.

Keep Track of Paperwork

Keep track of all paperwork related to your work injury including medical bills, post-accident pay stubs, and information your physician or other medical facilities you visited provided to you. Also, keep track of all paperwork and documentation from your workplace and the insurance carrier involved.

If your employer or the worker's compensation insurance company refuses to pay for your accident, you will need all of this paperwork if you choose to take legal action.

Find a Personal Injury Attorney

If you decide you need to take action against your employer and the insurance company, you'll need to find the right attorney to help you fight for your rights and to give you compensation for your injuries, back pay from time lost, and other money that your company or the insurance company owes you.

Look for an attorney that specializes in workplace injuries and has won these types of cases in the past.

Take advice from your personal injury attorney such as using physician restrictions at home in addition to when at work. This can help prevent your employer from claiming that your injuries aren't as severe as was reported.

If you've been injured in a workplace accident, you should receive compensation for not only the medical bills from the accident but for back pay and other losses you suffered from the accident such as time lost with family or financial impacts the accident may have caused you and your family.

Call The Law Offices of Christopher Dionisio, Attorney At Law , for a consultation today to discuss your case and get you the compensation you deserve.

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